Thursday, April 30, 2009

Good Food and Good Company

Today I got the chance to have lunch with two friends from church…Violeta and Kirsten. They’re my visiting teaching ladies and since we enjoy talking to each other so much, we try to make lunch dates every few months so we can have good food and good company. Today we went to the Mongolian Grill in Celina. Besides the “Grill Bar”, there is also a rather substantial Asian buffet. I think I’ve eaten my quota for about a year!

Violeta (on the left) moved to America from Chile, where she and her husband Sergio grew up. They have 3 children, and just moved to our little branch about 6 months ago. Kirsten and her husband and 5 kids moved here from the D.C. area just before school started. It has been such fun getting to know them!

1 comment:

  1. Wahoo that you have a blog! Post all the time, kay--it's my chance to stay in your life again. btw, could you get Mel to do one too--HA HA, I'm super funny, huh.

    How happy (and sad) that these ladies are both from the branch and I don't know them. I'm glad you're growing!
