So in our famly we have this great gift. It is indescribable in many ways. And yet, a few choice words have been assigned to it.

It reminds me of something that should be dangling from the limbs of an evergreen draped in lights and tacky tinsel.
Or something straight out of Aladdin ("Dead Sea tupperware. Phhhbt. Still good.").
Either way...My brother and his wife bought it for my mom as a gag gift.
A little while later, they got it back from her as a joke.
And the game was on.
Everyone has had it in their posession at one point or another.
It has been wrapped in shiny paper at a wedding, tied with ribbon for birthdays, and presented as "Welcome home from your mission" gift. We though about sending it to Brazil when one of my brothers was down there, but we were afraid since the Brazilians are notorious for pre-opening packages, someone would think it was shiny and from America and keep it. Plus Bryant said he wouldn't have made room in his luggage to bring it home. Obviously he has his priorities all messed up.
It has also been given on the sly, or in disguise. Like this last time. Garrett and Amanda had it. They sent it home from Utah with Tamra and had Tamra wrap it and bring it as a white elephant to our family party. It was a in the biggest box under the tree, tucked safely in a brown box splattered with pleas "I'm the best present under this tree! Take me!" or "You'll love me, I promise!" and "You'll hurt my feelings if you don't pick me. No, Seriously."
And the lucky recipient...Bryant!
You never know when it will show up. Or how it will come to be in your posession. Or even when it will be useful. Like the time my mom's hand pump on her REAL soap dispenser broke and she traded it out.
So now besides being horrifically ugly, it also doesn't work.
Shame that.
-I will refrain from making snide (and yet loving) brother comments at this point. -
Anyway, the funny thing about this gift is that even though its the less then perfect gift we would all be a little sad if it disappeared.
It is, after all, the gift that truly keeps on giving.
Or maybe because its mere presence reminds of something...
We will always have each other.
Even when we can't see each other, we know the others are around and will eventually show up.
And we may just show up when you least expect us, but its more likely at birthdays and weddings and holidays.
Or missions.
Sometimes the wrappings and the situations may change, but whats inside the package will never alter.
And we all know what's ugly inside and manage to not mind when we show up anyway, because it makes it kind of fun and gives us a reason to laugh.
And it helps us remember how precious the simplest things are when shared with people who love you.
For : My Mom, Dad, Melanie, Robert, Bryant, Garrett (And Amy!).
The people who know all my ugly secrets but continue to believe the best of me. They back me up, pick me up, and hold me up.
They are the greatest gift I have ever received.
And I don't mind at all if they show up when I least expect it.
Actually this is Teresa:
ReplyDeleteWhat a *perfect* description of FAMILY! They know (bless their li'l pea-pickin' souls) about all of our moles with hairs that stick out, and how ugly we were when we were hateful, and where we are the most vulnerable -- and they (Most of the time!) love us anyway, and don't jump up and down, pointing out those uuugly hairy moles! ;)
One other thought -- I kind of feel like *I* am a funny, odd little gift like that - and usually I grow on people (not unlike molds in this area) - and if I'm not there, somehow they miss me! A comforting thought! :)