Thursday, September 5, 2013

My kids didn't actually do this, so they are a little right...Portland (The zoo, the temple and The Rose Garden)

So on the same day that we went to the Japanese Garden, we also went to the zoo, and the Rose Garden, and the temple. We also went and had pizza and bowling with Marcus family for his siblings birthdays. It was a busy day. But it was fun. 
And we found out we can walk fast.

Here's some fun pics from the zoo.
Bears in the bath.

Hippo in the water.

Man on the lion.

Cat in a cage.

Porcupines behind glass (thank goodness).

 Giraffes in the grass.

Marcus and I in the rose garden. And then just beautiful pictures of the gorgeous flowers. Compliments, again, of Marcus the amazing photographer.

And the last stop of the day, at dusk...the Portland Temple.

These are my favorite two. This one in the rear view mirror...

And this one in the reflecting pool.

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