Friday, June 18, 2010

QUOTES OF THE DAY: "The Catch-up version"


  • "I can't go to bed, I'm too tired!" What. the. heck. ever.
  • Or here's a new one, "I can't. I felt Maryn squeeze my hair." Sigh.
  • Mom, you need to stop wasting money." me- "What do you mean?" Ashlyn- "Like stop buying food and just give me $100."
  • (While looking at a box of shells I bought for decoration) "Where did you get these?" ME "The store." ASHLYN "What people made them?" ME: "People didn't make them sweetie. The animals whose homes they were made them." ASHLYN (Her eyes getting round and wide) "Wow! They did a really good job!"

  • I just offered my 10 year old 5 bucks to not whine for one day. Vehement reply: "NO! Because I know what will happen. Conner will do something and I'll get mad and then you'll yell at me for something I didn't do and I won't even last 5 minutes." LOL. Gotta have respect for a girl who knows her limitations.
  • "Mom, I'm going to dry my hair and get ready to go." "But your hair is already dry." "I know." Mmmmm...okay?
  • "I'm so hungry my shoulders feel empty."
  • "I'm wearing root beer lip smackers and drinking root beer. Its kind of weird."

  • Me: "Paul, all my students who I talk to are stressing because of finals. Why haven't I heard you say anything about it?" Paul: "Come on mom they're girls. They're like freaking protagonists." LOL. I think he meant PERFECTIONISTS
  • Paul has started saying (in lieu of terrible expletives): "Son of a batch of cookies!" and "What the French Toast!" I must ask...why do all his sayings have something to do with FOOD?

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