Friday, June 18, 2010

All Alone in my Home...

So on Tuesday and Wednesday I attended a training in Columbus. This requires my children to be farmed out to others in order to secure their well being an safety in my absence. My mother had been planning a granddaughter retreat, and since that time frame seemed as good as any other decided to have it from Sunday to Wednesday to help me out. Since my brother and his wife needed to bring their daughter up here so she could attend and they had graciously accepted Conner into their home for those few days, they just took him home early. This means I was without child of any kind from Saturday night until Wednesday night. At first, it was weird. Then I made big plans in the silence. Big "I'm- going -to -sort -through- the- mountain -of -clothes- piled- in- the -corner- of- the- attic -room"plans. About Sunday afternoon at 2 I decided to fore go those plans for the sake of more pressing plans; enjoying the solitude. And so I did. I watched movies I never watched, read books I never read, and ignored chores I never ignore. Okay, not never ignore. I ignored chores I usually ignore but was able ot battle through the guilt because their no being done-ness did not directly affect the physical well being of my children.
Moving on...
I had chinese food in the park with Mel and Kirk on Monday after working all day. Then I went to a movie with my friend Sara. I packed myself, and got ready to go to Columbus before hitting the hay a little later then I intended. I enjoyed it immensely.

And yet, I don't think I would trade being a big extended plan...for all of the little plans in the world.

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