Monday, June 13, 2011

Cincinnati Adventures: The part in which we discover that there are leaves bigger then Rob and curlier then Q's

So after the, I mean, the butterfly house, we went on and explored the remainder of the conservatory. We discovered some very interesting plants I found neat to look at and quickly enjoy without much thought.

Robert felt the need to explain the biological individuality and evolutionary genius of each species.
Here's the dumbed down, non PhD in something biology related version.
Okay its honestly more of the 1st grade reader version.

See Rob. See the big leaves.

Look children. There are plants near the pond.

The ugly big goldfish swim in the stream. Where will they go?

The leaves are up. Up, up, up!

Some of the leaves are big and wide. Some of the leaves are not big and wide. Some are big and not wide.

Look! Look at the girl by the water. The water is falling over the rocks into the stream that goes nowhere where the ugly big goldfish swim.

The water falls. Splish! Splash! Do not get wet!

Look! Look children and Rob. Look at the path we have walked through the forest that is not real.

The girls sits on the butterfly. The butterfly does not die. The butterfly is not a real butterfly!
Silly girl.

See Rob! See the silly leaves! Why are the leaves so silly?

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