Friday, October 25, 2013

Searle's Cove

We went to Vernal last weekend. It was kind of funny how it happened actually. I was looking for places to go for fall break that would be fun and cheap. When I looked for ideas online, I stumbled across a website detailing the awesome stuff you could do in "Dinoland". This area included Dinosaur National Monument, Flaming Gorge and other areas of natural and historic interest. I was intrigued. And then I remembered that my cousin Brenda (well, my dad's cousin that's my age) lived there. It was a decent jaunt, and so I thought a night at her house would make the journey less exhausting.
When I reached out to her, she had a great offer to throw on the table. Her husband Carl's family had a modern cabin up in the mountains.She asked Carl's dad, and he said it would be fine for us to use it. We had one weekend open... October 18th. It sounded like a lot of fun, so we took the offer and made plans to head east the next weekend...Brenda's sister Susan in tow.

Getting there was definitely an adventure. Conner threw up all over my new car. My brand new car. Chocolate doughnut vomit. It made me less than happy. Sigh. The dangers of having children. And it made our arrival late. The trip took 2 hours longer than it would have because of clean up stops near Strawberry Reservoir and again in Duschesne. But we made it.

The road in was interesting. 22 miles of 2 lane highway leading deeper and deeper into the mountains. It veered off next to a corral and went another 8 miles on a very bumpy dirt road. As Ashlyn said "Its massaging my butt cheeks!" And then we were there. Searle's Cove.

It was after dark when we got to the cabin.So we didn't really get to see what we were missing until the morning when we drove down to go sight seeing.
Here's more of the area surrounding the cabin.
The cabin is kind of tucked back into that mountain
You can see the destination from the road here
Coming down out of the mountains...

Sunset in the middle of nowhere
The Pond

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