Thursday, July 2, 2009

Little stories...

So, over the past few days, my kids have said some funny little things that I tell myself I will never forget. I know I will eventually…they’re fading as we speak. So I thought I would write them down so I can have them always.


So, for her birthday, I gave Ashlyn something she hardly every gets; bubblegum. Later that night, she was chatting with me about all of the great things she got. She brought up her cool bubblegum, and I pointed out that one of them was watermelon flavored. She perked up and said, “Really? What does it taste like?” Uhhh…watermelon?

She then proceeded “Do you know what flavor of gum I think would be good? Grape cantaloupe.”

To understand the next story, you must first understand that today has been the long awaited 5th birthday…the day in her mind, when she becomes grown up and “big”. She came out of the bathroom, and had her wet hands held up to show me. “Mom,” she exclaimed, “My hands are still small! I thought they were supposed to be big now!”


So yesterday we were watching the movie “Follow Me Boys”. There’s a part in the middle that shows boy scouts hiking, and to scoot the passage of time, several different years flash over the screen montage like…1932, 1936, 1940, 1944. Maryn’s eyes get really big, and she tugs on my arm, “Did they really walk for THAT long?”

Then today, our sitter Erica stopped by our house to pick up my empty water bottles before heading over to Melanie’s to help her with cleaning. The empty jugs aren’t heavy, just awkward. So I told Maryn to go help Erica. Well, moments passed and Erica left, and Maryn didn’t come back in. I called for her, and looked around…and couldn’t find her. I finally called Erica, and she was with her!

“Doesn’t she have permission to be here?” she asked.


Evidently Maryn had told Erica I said it was okay for her to go. I then gave her permission to go to Mel’s. It wasn’t worth Erica turning around.

But, lo and behold, 5 minutes later the blue suburban is back in my driveway and my daughter comes bopping through the door.

I told you you could go. Why did she decide to bring you home?

“Oh, she didn’t. I told her I wanted to come home as soon as I found out we were going over there to clean.”

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe Ashlyn is five! OH MY GOSH! You can tell Maryn I wouldn't want to go to Mel's to clean, either :)
