Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Me and my dilemma

So, for those of you who don't know, shortly after Dave died I went back to school set and intent on getting my bachelor's degree in Psychology. I will actually walk away with 2 degrees; an associates in business and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology.

That sweet, sweet moment is fast approaching...only 3 classes left! And I've managed to keep a decent GPA, around 3.6. That's lower than what I knew as typical in my younger days, but I also didn't have 4 kids and 3 jobs when I was 18.

Although I'm excited about finishing this project, a degree in psychology is basically useless in the psychology field without a masters. So I'm left with this decision...to proceed or not to proceed. And if I do proceed, where should I go?

I'm leaning toward proceeding, and I am really interested in the school counseling area of the field. I love psychology and counseling, and teaching is actually a natural part of who I am (it may be genetic...my parents are both educators and even with a PhD in something medical my brother Rob is also looking to become a teacher/ professor). This seems like a good blending of much of what I love to do and actually do well (only writing and music has been left out...but those two things are never completely out of my life anyway).

I looked around and found a fabulous program in Muncie, IN. My initial thought is that I would commute everyday the hour to and fro in order to attend classes. Then I thought about the legitamacy of actually doing that, AND being a mother, AND earning a living.

I don't think that will work well.

I've loved the convenience of the online learning environment,but since school counseling requires liscensure, which means face to face classes and field work and practicum and 600 hours of interning... online seemed an unlikely possibility.

Then I found Capella University, on the Ohio Education website under school counseling requirements nonetheless, which makes it all the more promising.

The first year is all online course work. Then you attend 2- 5 day seminars of face to face instruction and arrange your own field work with approval.

I think this will work! That gives me a year and a half ot set my life in order :)

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