Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What we learned today...

  • If you walk through snow drifts and then clean up flour piles in slightly damp pants your hemline pretty much turns into a paper mache project.
  • I also learned that a 10 pound bag of wheat flour, when chewed open from the corner, makes a mess that take about an hour to clean up.
  • The kids learned that buses can also get stuck in snowdrifts. And it makes you late getting home.
  • Paul learned the word for soaking meat in liquid mixture containing oil, vinegar and spices isn't "serenade" its "marinade".
  • Conner learned that when you pull really hard on window shades...they come off the roller and your mom suddenly becomes grumpy.
  • We learned that if you find the spots in the snowdrift in your drive that are the lowest and plan a path that avoids the parts that are up to your makes an S shape around the garage and up to the house.
  • I learned that only people in southern Mercer county use the word "yet" to mean "still" (as in "I have that movie I borrowed yet.") and that other people don't get it and get rather confused when you use it in a sentence.
  • I learned that in text world mmkaa means "Mmmmm...okay."
  • My daughters learned that its okay to use toilets that have blue water in them and that they aren't poisoned or broken.
  • I learned that where the instructions on the mouse poison box say "Simply lift tab and twist off" is an exaggeration. Simply my foot.
  • I learned from a young friend that she doesn't wear earrings in her ears or have a nose piercing because it would hurt too much...but the one on her lower lip didn't really hurt at all.
Curiouser and Curiouser...

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