Wednesday, January 4, 2012

"The worst museum ever..."

The day after the day after Christmas, when all of the fam was here, Mel, Mandy and I took the older girls up to the Art Museum. They had some Irish Dancing and Ballet going on in the galleries...and several of those coming along had not been to the museum before.
For those unfamiliar with the museum, the pic above is of the girls in front of Monet's "Water Lilies" The REAL one. Honest to goodness. 
As we wandered through the many galleries, MAddie (second from the right) commented that this was the " worst museum ever." When asked why she said "Don't you see all of these naked people?"
How do you explain art?

1 comment:

  1. 1. Oh, Maddie! That's absolutely hilarious!
    2. LOVE Monet's Water Lillies. Jealous.
