So, kind of random-like, I decided to stand outside my house in one spot and snap some pictures. It reminds me of the reasons I love living in the country...and I thought it might be a good way to let everyone see what I see.
This is Ashlyn (we call her Lyni sometimes) looking out our kitchen window.

I took this picture because I loved the layering of color and light in the clouds.
There's the gray whispy ones floating in the front and the white puffy ones catching the last rays of a sun that had been hiding all day.
This is Ashlyn (we call her Lyni sometimes) looking out our kitchen window.
I took this picture because I loved the layering of color and light in the clouds.
There's the gray whispy ones floating in the front and the white puffy ones catching the last rays of a sun that had been hiding all day.
Here's the road going north from my front door. The house you see is our closest may notice there are no other houses. And for you Utah people, you may also notice a shocking lack of mountains...or anything resembling elevation in any way.
This is a zoomed picture of the farm due west. Across a field of growing corn...who have happily been getting plenty and plenty of water to drink over the last few days.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the country! Thanks for showing me what you see! The flat really reminds me of Kansas! So, do Ohioans call hills "mountians"? I knew a woman in Oklahoma who said "I climb to the top of that mountain every morning." Looking out the window to the mountain she was pointing at, my only thought was, "Um, that's a HILL!!" :-)