Saturday, August 1, 2009

Me and my dilemma; Part 2

I had a discussion with my dad about just what it is exactly school counselors do. They assign lockers, and send transcripts, and make sure everyone has the right credits and the right info for scholarships. Its a whole lotta paperwork...and I don't care for paperwork.

So it was back to the drawing board.

Here is what I know:

I was given the opportunity to possibly work for our local Domestic Violence network as their PR person. One of the things I will do is design and give a presentation on DV for both professionals who may be in the confidence of someone who is being abused, and and informative and educationl one for groups of "civilians". Thsi whole idea got me EXCITED. I wanted to do the work, and make the presentations.

I realized my favorite PSY class ever, was social psychology. Basically, its the idea that people, and their problems, and their relationships are irrevocably connected. I remember taking that class, and thinking..."You know, someone should really come up with a way to treat people with mental illness in context of their social relationships since these problems affect everyone."

And I began to there already such a program?

Turns out, there is. And I have chosen it. Its Marriage, Couples and Family Therapy. And in a few years, I will be liscenced to practice it.

And...I am excited.

Any questions from here on out will be billed clinical rates.

Just kidding.

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