Monday, August 10, 2009

El Tigre

So, per an agreement I made with Maryn in an apparent momnet of insanity, we now have a new kitten. We have another cat, Fumasa, a gray cat (who by the way is extremely unhappy and bitter about this new addition) who has swirls in her coat. Fumasa is Portugese for smoke. So, in keeping with the established theme, we decided to give this cat a Portugese name as well. His name is Tigre (pronounced tee-gray). Alas, he is very cute right now. But I know he will grow into a big cat someday. I have made it very clear to Maryn we will not be getting a new kitten every time a cat grows up.

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  1. Adorable! You know, if you'd like another kitten...we have five we are trying to find a home for :-)

  2. Sooooooooo cute...wish we could have a kitty!! We are allergic!!
