Thursday, August 27, 2009


Yesterday Conner found out he has a knack for getting lost.

First, after school, he got on the wrong bus. Bus 10 instead of Bus 2. He didn’t recognize any of the people, and it took him a few minutes to realize it was the wrong bus, and then he got off and went to the right bus, but was a little upset because he had been confused and afraid they would leave him alone at the school. That night in his prayer he asked Heavenly Father to help him not get on the wrong bus again.

Later, we dropped Paul off at church for youth activity and went to the grocery store. Somewhere, in an isle where I was looking at lotion, he decided to go to the bathroom. And he didn’t tell me he going. I knew he had to go and told him we would go in a second. I guess he thought that meant he could right now by himself.

When I realized he was gone, I thought maybe he had gone to the bathroom, so we went there. He wasn’t there. So I left Maryn and Ashlyn at the front desk just in case someone found him and started searching the isles. I found him with an employee in the back near the meat. Turns out he did go the bathroom, then came back to where he thought I was. But he was smart and found someone who worked there and told them he couldn’t find his mom.

When I found him, he ran into my arms and cried. “I told you to stay there in the lotion!” He stayed close to the cart the rest of the trip.


  1. LOVE the lotion isle comment! I can't picture Connor or especially Ashlyn grown-up! How are all of your babies in school?!

  2. I got lost in the store when I was a kid, and I remember it being traumatic!! Poor Conner.
