Monday, August 31, 2009


So today was seriously one of those days. Slept like crap. Got up at 6 when I really wanted to get up at noon. Read my scriptures (which was actually fine). Showered because I smelled like campfire from last night and although it was fairly cool in the house (and 45 degrees outside) I got all sweaty last night. Sigh. Started some laundry, emptied the dishwasher, got my kids up for school. Or more accurately, dragged their sorry fannies out of bed after asking them to get up for 15 minutes. Got Conner and Ashlyn dressed despite their protests of my choice of clothing for them. Helped get breakfast. Read scriptures as a family. Nearly miss the bus. Off to school! Remembered I told the missionaries I would fast today…after I ate. Decided to fast the rest of the day. Finished my paper which was overdue and entailed me creating a survey to measure attitudes towards something of my choosing. Consider changing topics to attitudes about large families and rewriting the whole thing. Sigh again. Field several calls from siblings while trying to finish paper. Begin work on new facebook page for business and new blog. Get ready to go to every woman’s favorite appointment with a brand new doctor. Try to figure out on the way how to pay the rent for August I still haven’t paid. Wish the money tree in the back yard would sprout. Mel reminds me rent for our office is due tomorrow. Money tree where are you now? And by the way, I’m behind on blogging, behind on formatting some new stuff for the website and behind on conducting interviews to create more new stuff. The job I was hoping for is wavering a little, at least they’re moving slowly. Get demanding text messages from ex-husband. Look at to –do list again. Realize I haven’t even touched it. Get to doctor appointment and hear them tell me my blood pressure is a little elevated.

Ya think?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, sounds like a rough day, but there are some good things...right? You did get some sleep, you had warm water for a shower, you have a dishwasher and a washing machine, you have adorable children, you had food to eat, you have the ability to learn and the opportunity to learn as well, you have a big family of fun siblings, you have a business, you are healthy and don't have to go to the doctor because you're sick (I hope), you have a house and an office. See? It wasn't so bad was it? And the day is over and a new one is about to begin, new and fresh.

    Oh, and I couldn't help but notice...formatting web site stuff? Whatcha doin'? Can I help? Not that I have a ton of extra time right now with school starting back up, but if I could help out at all, I wouldn't mind much. Anyway, e-mail me if you're interested.
