Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dear Mrs. Schmiesing

The day before the last day of school, Maryn all on her own, decided she wanted to write a letter to her teacher. Below is the letter she wrote. I’ve included a few of her misspellings.

 Dear Mrs. Schmiesing,

I’m gonna miss you a lot. I will cry on the last day of school so bring extra tissues. There are 1 billion reasons why you’re the best teacher so far, but I will only do 5.

1)      When I need help you would try to make me understand.

2)      You make me laugh a lot in class.

3)      I think everybody deserves you because you rock.

4)      You do fun stuff in class.

5)      You would incourage me at any time anywhere.

Just letting you know my brother will be in 1 grade, and I’m telling you right now he is a handful. I also believe that you came in my life for a reason because you were ment to be my teacher. You were the right one for me, and that I’m the luckiest girl in the world. Have a great summer.

Your student,

Maryn C.

P.S. I think you know my last name.



  1. What a sweetheart! That teacher has got to lover Miss Maryn!

  2. I love her PS, and the warning about her brother. That's hilarious!
