Today was simple. I spent most of it procrastinating the heck out my life. If I ignored it, it simple didn’t exist. Unfortunately everything I ignored today will show up tomorrow in full force…like the paper I have due, and my kitchen floor that really needs to be swept and mopped, or the dishes that need to be done.
But here is what I did do…
I went to church and taught a Sunday School lesson to a room full of adults.
I took a nap
I did some homework.
I went to one of my student’s grad party.
I took my kids to the Spiritual Center again and we walked around for a while. The bugs in the woods were out of control! We also ran into a neighbor. And the kids threw rocks into the pond.

We went to Melanie’s to visit and get some ice (she has an icemaker and I do not). We left without the ice. I forgot.
I called my mother in law.
I got on Facebook and caught up with some olds friends. I’ve loved reconnecting with my past and realizing the blessings of those who have influenced (and who continue to influence) my life.
I wrote this blog.
I decided to go to bed, and do everything else tomorrow. It will be there after all.
It was good to "talk" to you tonight.