Friday, May 22, 2009

Mini tornados strike home of unsuspecting mother

Okay, so the tornados are my kids, and this is their first official day home from school for break. It took all of about 2 hours for Maryn to be bored out of her mind. My first suggestion, of course, was to clean the house. She, of course, told me that was a dumb idea. I had a bit of work to do, and it would appear for the 2 hours I was immersed in my computer, my kids managed to do the following:

Maryn decided to make cookies (with my permission), but managed to spill a cup of sugar and 6 eggs on the floor. Not to mention the fact that regardless of my repeated instruction, she tried to cream the flour with the sugar, butter and eggs and then started crying and said it scared her when it started flipping stuff everywhere with the mixer. She was making snickerdoodles and added the cinnamon to the mix, then got bored after one batch in the oven an let the rest of the dough sit out until it was nasty.

Conner threw our cat, Fumasa, out of a second story window. I have no idea...I can't even begin to explain. He did say that she landed okay and then ran off but he didn't know why she didn't come back when he called her. Duh. I suggested we perhaps should through him out the window since he thought it was an okay idea. He freaked out (like I was really going to throw him out the window) and yelled it would hurt him and he'd have to go to the hospital...which was exactly the reaction I was looking for. I asked him if he knew he would get hurt, why he thought the cat would be okay. He had to think about it for a while.

They dumped out the shoe basket by the door, twice, looking for flip flops. Then when I asked Ashlyn to pick up the shoes since it was her flip flops we were looking for, she threw a tantrum for 30 minutes. Let me assure you, she coudl throw tantrums professionally. She really is that good and has incredible endurance in such matters. I finally put her in my room to let her scream it out until she started gagging. 

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