Monday, May 4, 2009

Lacerations and Contusions

Not to be mean, or seem wierd, to any of my dear friends who have medical backgrounds, but why not just say cuts and bruises over lacerations and contusions? Isn't it easier to say?

Anyway, the real reason I'm bringing this up is because Conner got some at school. I got a call from the school nurse (who also doubles as the secretary) last Friday to let me know Conner had gotten in a fight with a chair. Supposedly, the chair had stayed behind form recess and hid behind the door, waiting stealthily for the right moment to attack. When Conner walked into the room, the chair jumped out at him unprovoked. Stunned, yet instinctively spunky, Conner fought back bravely. It was a struggle, but the chair finally prevailed, even though Conner was able to get a few screws loose before the teacher pulled them apart.

Okay, not really. He tripped on a chair at school and fell into another chair. But I DID get a call from the nurse warning me he had a contusion and laceration. But he felt well enough to go to gym soon after so it didn't seem to be too much of a concern. 

The first picture was taken the day it happened. This was one was taken today. It looks so much worse now that its actually healing. Why is that anyway?


  1. But lacerations and contusions sound more fun! Besides it makes you sound smart (or it annoys people). My metacarpophalangeal joints have edema and the doctors are trying cervical neuroaxial modalities.

    Oh, and it gets worse before it gets better because the natural response has blood rushes to the site to help heal (vasodilalation, among other processes). Because a bruise breaks little blood tubes (capillaries), a fair bit of the blood rushes out of the normal blood flow and gets "stuck" until the body naturally clears it away. Because the blood is deprived of oxygen, it changes to pretty colors (it also depends on what part of the blood is left).

  2. I'm with you--cuts and bruises. If that nurse had called me, I would have requested the English version! Poor kid. I hope he is better soon!
