Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The meanest mom in the world

Now let me make this clear…I only have one show I watch …EVER. It’s Dancing with the Stars on Monday nights. I DVR the first part so we can have family night first, plus it gives me the chance to just fast forward through all of the commercials.

So, as I was getting everyone settled at 8:30 on Monday, Maryn comes into the kitchen, plops down her book bag and yanks out a page of long division to do. Homework. And she always needs help with long division. And, of course, she is demanding this help immediately in a very loud and whiny voice. I’m irritated, but try to help. I was probably giving her nasty little looks as I hovered over her paper, and she was getting whinier and whinier, and finally cried. In the meantime, Ashlyn came into the kitchen and also demanded story time. Right now. This moment. Which only made me less patient with Maryn. 

I looked up at the clock, and it was almost 9 p.m. I was done. She hadn’t stop complaining enough for me to do any good, plus she had had hours with older people available before hand that could have helped her. I decided this was not my fault, and not my problem. So I told her since this situation was a consequence of her choices and not mine, I was going to go watch my show and she was on her own.

“I’ll get them all wrong then!” she screamed.

That’s not my problem.

So she storms out the room and slams the door going upstairs. Sobbing all the way.

After a little while, I decided I probably really should help her. But I didn’t think it was right to just give her my time freely. So I followed her up to her room, and gave her a choice. I would give up my time ot help her with the math, but she had to give up and equal amount of her time to do something for me…clean my room.

I am happy to announce I have 25 minutes of indentured servitude coming my way…and Maryn know how to do long division on her own now.

1 comment:

  1. You are a great mom!! I think Maryn learned a great lesson. I'm glad that you do make a little bit of time just for yourself.. You always put others first and you are so selfless and never seem to give your self enough "my time".. You are a great example of a great mom.... Love ya!
